NHS Lothian is delighted to be a trailblazer employer for the Scottish Government’s Youth Guarantee.

This means we have signed up to a commitment to work in ways that support 5 key asks of employers.
NHS Lothian: Our Guarantee TO YOU
We will support you to prepare for the world of work:
- Working with Developing the Young Workforce to support local and national campaigns to help grow employability skills.
- Provide a range of virtual work experience
- Train and support our staff to mentor and support young people in and outwith our organisation
We will help you when you need it most:
- Offer multiple Project Search programmes each year
- Deliver and develop bespoke offers within our programmes to support learning need
- Support our staff to work as mentors with MCR Pathways
We will invest in a skilled workforce:
- Offer Modern and Graduate Apprenticeships throughout our organisation
- Develop bespoke education programmes that enable articulation across transferable career pathways
We will create jobs and opportunities for you:
- Offer cohorts of permanent MA roles and paid Career Ready internships
- Continue to support the national NHS partnership with Princes Trust
- Align our employability programmes to enable maximum opportunity to progress into Apprenticeship roles
- Work in partnership with DWP targeting opportunities to grow work skills
We place great value on an inclusive workplace supporting young people
- We are a living wage employer and Awards Aware
- Our staff Youth Network inspires interest, ambition and supports learning and development that allows everyone to shine