We are NHS Lothian’s Workforce Development Team, and we are here to get you inspired about everything NHS.
Did you know the NHS is the largest single employer in Scotland with over 350 job roles – everything from engineers to software designers, healthcare scientists to wheelchair therapists, and more!
As an Awards Aware employer, this means NHS Lothian value and recognise youth awards and are an official endorser of Duke of Edinburgh so that all activities will be recognised in a job application.
We are a Young Person’s Guarantee Employer
Find out more about the Young Person’s Guarantee in the video below!
There really is #NoWrongPath to achieve your ambitions, even if you are not quite sure yet what that might be.
We offer a wide range of opportunities to grow your skills, develop your ambition, build on your strengths, and help grow your interests.
Here’s how to contact us!
Email: careersforall@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk