Nurses help shape a sustainable future and drive improvements in best practice within our own professional community and for the communities we serve.
The NHS Lothian Nursing and Midwifery Workforce
Nurses and midwives provide care and treatment across all our services in Edinburgh, East Lothian, Midlothian and West Lothian.
We employ more than 12,000 people in registered and support nursing and midwifery roles, providing care to a population of more than 850,000 people.
Adult Acute Nursing
Managing a variety of patients experiencing acute and chronic conditions.
Adult Community Nursing
Delivering high quality nursing care to the local community.
Mental Health Nursing
Provide comprehensive patient care, urgent and crisis mental health assessments and psychological treatment interventions.
Learning Disabilities Nursing
Provide specialist care, support and treatment to people with a learning disability.
Children’s Nursing
Provide care for children and young people with health problems.