NHS Lothian Careers Over 100 Careers: Just One Employer



The MEDAS department consists of:

Ward 25 GI

Ward 21 Cardio/respiratory

Ward 9 General medicine

Ward 8 Frailty

Ward 14 Rehabilitation

Stroke unit.

We are looking for passionate, caring, motivated people to join our highly skilled nursing teams.

We offer the opportunity to work with talented teams within multidisciplinary environments and impact positively on the lives of thousands of patients and their families

What We Can Offer You

Supportive teamworking with opportunity for innovative practice

The opportunity to gain a breadth of knowledge and exposure to multiple specialties.

Opportunity to develop both clinical and leadership skills

Continuous clinical and professional development

Training and development

Core Clinical skills  – The clinical skills you will gain in this position are, Venepuncture,  Peripheral venous canulation,  Administration of IV additives, Administration of IV bolus injections, Intravenous devises training (Alaris, BBraun, McKinley), Management of Midlines , Vascular access, Blood Glucose monitoring, Recording a standard 12 lead ECG (Adult) insertion of a female indwelling catheter (Male & Female)

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