NHS Lothian Careers Over 100 Careers: Just One Employer

Intrapartum Care

Intrapartum care is provided in the labour wards on both sites plus the Lothian Birth Centre, which is an alongside midwifery led care birthing centre with 6 birthing rooms and 4 beds for postnatal care.

Labour ward in SJH has 9 birthing rooms (three with birthing pools) and support labouring women from 32 weeks gestation.

Labour Ward at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh is a busy and dynamic tertiary delivery suite with 13 birthing rooms and 3 bedded high dependency area. We receive high risk referrals from all over Scotland and the obstetric, neonatal , anaesthetic, theatre and midwifery teams work collaboratively to provide person centred high quality care.

Staff benefit from a robust portfolio of evidenced based policies and guidelines to work with a network of experienced and dedicated midwives and a supportive management team.

Opportunities for staff development are encouraged with a wide ranging programme of study days and courses for continuing professional development and career progression which is supported by a dedicated practice education team.