NHS Lothian Careers Over 100 Careers: Just One Employer

Equal Opportunities

NHS Lothian considers that it has an important role to play as a major employer and provider of services in Lothian and accepts its obligations, both legal and moral, by stating commitment to the promotion of equal opportunities and elimination of discrimination.

The objectives of our Equal Opportunities policy are that no person or employee receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of sex, disability, marital status, age, race (including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin), creed, sexuality, responsibility for dependants, political party or trade union membership or activity, HIV/AIDS status, or is disadvantaged by conditions or requirements that cannot be shown to be justifiable. 

Recruitment and Selection

We aim to ensure that:

  • all sections of the community know about job opportunities within NHS Lothian
  • where possible, under statutory rules, members of groups who are under-represented in the workforce will be encouraged to apply for jobs through positive action programmes
  • everyone who applies for a job or promotion within the organisation will receive fair treatment and will be considered solely on ability to do the job against justifiable selection criteria and unbiased personnel specification
  • records are kept so that the organisation can monitor how the policy is working. To do this, applicants and employees will be asked to provide information for their records. All information will be confidential
  • all procedures and practices used in recruitment and selection are reviewed to make sure that there is no unintended bias.


NHS Lothian intends that:

  • all its employees, including part time staff, will be advised at induction and regular in-service training that they have equal access to training and are encouraged to take advantage of such training
  • all managers and all those responsible for appointing staff receive training in the organisational Equal Opportunity Policy
  • in-service staff are trained as trainers and external expertise identified in sufficient quantity, quality and range to support induction, on-going training and update training in Equal Opportunities for all staff
  • we will also work with medical schools and other training agencies to ensure that Equal Opportunities training is integrated into courses for health workers.


NHS Lothian intends that:

  • all staff will be protected from discrimination or harassment because of their sex, disability, marital status, age, race (including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin), creed, sexuality, responsibility for dependants, political party or trade union membership or activity or HIV/AIDS status
  • staff who discriminate or harass employees on the grounds of any of those factors will face disciplinary action
  • staff who, in good faith, have raised or intend to raise a grievance against alleged discrimination or who give or intend to give evidence or information in connection with such grievance; must not be treated less favourably than other employees
  • all grievances and complaints will be recorded, with information on investigations and outcomes to supplement monitoring.