Deliver comprehensive assessments, treatment, and care to adults within the community who are experiencing severe mental health problems. Treatment for conditions including severe mood disorders, anxiety and psychosis. This can include managing medication, talking therapies (like CBT), recovery and staying well.
Based at
- Inchkeith House
- Craigroyston Health Centre
- Cambridge Street House
- Ballenden House.
Older Adult Community Mental Health Teams
Delivers specialist mental health assessment and care/treatment for older adults who are experiencing severe mental health problems. This includes dementia or cognitive problems, mood disorders, anxiety and psychosis.
Based at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, West Pilton Gardens, and Craighall Centre and Memory Assessment & Training Service.
Practice Mental Health Nursing Team
Embedded in GP surgeries across the city. Uses specialist clinical knowledge in decision making and clinical judgments from initial assessment to care planning.
Gives specialist advice to the primary care team about managing patient conditions by the assessment, treatment, and review planning process in partnership with the patient/carer.
Psychiatry of Old Age
A specialist dementia unit giving care to minimise feelings of confusion, anxiety and distress.
Based in Ferryfield House Hospital (Willow Ward), Findlay House Hospital (Prospect bank)
Substance use team
Supports people struggling with substance use, including alcohol and drug addiction. Includes
- harm reduction strategies
- detoxification support
- opiate replacement treatments
- individual and group therapy
- relapse prevention
- connection to long-term support networks.
Based at
- Spittal Street (Central Clinic)
- Links Place
- Craigroyston Health Centre
- Wester Hailes Healthy Living Centre
- Ballenden House
Thrive welcome teams
Short-term nursing support including:
- psychological approaches
- signposting to other supports and services
- advice on staying well
- decider skills training.
The team is based at:
- Cambridge Street
- Wester Hailes Healthy Living Centre
- Ballenden House
- Inchkeith House
- Craigroyston Clinic.
Get in touch
To find out more about the different areas of nursing and what each role involves, email