Theatres and Critical Care

“I’ve been a theatre nurse in NHS Lothian for 13 years. The thing I like about my job is the variety on a daily basis there’s never two days the same. I’m sure lots of nurses will tell you that with their job, but in theatre it’s definitely no two days the same. And I like the build-up of relationships between the surgical and anaesthetic colleagues.
“Every day is a challenge meeting the demands of the service and ensuring that everybody has a nice day in the process.
“I find my work here very rewarding. Even as a senior Band 5 there’s lots of opportunities to take on extra roles within the department, managing teams on a daily basis. Currently I’ve been helping with the new rota, implementation of new procedures – and the opportunities are there for Band 5s to be highly involved.
“A fantastic place to work and live. I’m from East Lothian and moved into Edinburgh as a student, and I just love it. I wouldn’t want to work anywhere else, to be honest.”