
“I worked in the neonatal unit in Nottingham for two years, then my boyfriend got a job up here. When I was looking round neonatal units the Simpson’s was my first choice because of its location. I looked around the unit and everyone was really friendly.
“Obviously if you’ve worked somewhere for a few years you feel settled but the team have been great and really welcomed me. I got lots of support as I was completely relocating and have made lots of nice friends up here at work.
“One of the benefits of working for NHS Lothian is the support that you get. I was really keen to do the Neonatal course and the fact that there is funding for staff to do what they want to do was another pulling factor in attracting me to this unit.
“I feel that I’ve got a lot better work life balance living in Edinburgh. There’s always lots going on in the city centre and there’s lots of beautiful scenery – it’s a breath of fresh air.”