The Accident and emergency department in St John’s hospital is open 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. The department sees on average 55,000 patients a year; however this is increasing. It receives patients from across West Lothian and surrounding areas. The A&E area holds 22 cubicles plus a safe space room and 3 resuscitation bays. SJH A&E does not take direct trauma but will facilitate other resus’s such as plastics emergencies, DKA’s, cardiac arrests, respiratory emergencies to name but a few. The department is a busy, challenging, and exciting environment. It provides the multi-disciplinary team with opportunities to deliver holistic care in a teaching environment that works to enhance safe patient care.
Our A&E also sees paediatric patients and hosts a minor injuries unit within the department. The department holds NHS Lothian’s core values closely and aims to uphold these at all times during patients journeys within the department.
A&E has many varied learning opportunities and new team members will undergo an induction process to help facilitate a smooth transition into the team. We have an education facilitator and a variety of nurse led teaching programmes with departmental and external training offered to ensure appropriate development and training.
The team at St John’s A&E work very closely together. This close team dynamic and bond makes SJH A&E department a positive, fulfilling, and exciting opportunity for any registered nurses, whether newly qualified or simply looking to change their career pathway.
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