Bladder and Bowel Service which is a nurse led service, comprising of a team of nurses who have specialist knowledge in the assessment, diagnosis, treatment and management of adult bladder and bowel dysfunction.
Care Home Team which is a nurse led service that aims to optimise the wellbeing of those living in care homes in collaboration with the individual resident, families, care home staff, social work, GP and other agencies. This includes elements such as the formulation of person-centered future care plans to ensure that peoples wishes are explored and captured with realistic medicine in mind.
Community Treatment and Care (CTAC) which is a nurse led service based in West Lothian GP surgeries offering a wide variety of nursing care. There are 17 treatment rooms in WLHSCP with registered nurses specialising in simple and complex wound care, catheter care, injections, ECGs, ear irrigation, suture and clip remove, etc. CTAC phlebotomists also provide specialist services in GP surgeries ensuring a rounded approach to care.
District Nursing which is a nurse led service delivering a wide range of nursing and palliative care to people in their own homes. There are 14 District Nursing Teams in WLHSCP specialising in simple and complex wound care, catheter care, injections, palliative care, support and advice for patients/carers and families, etc. Our nursing teams consist of NMC registered nurses and non-registered nurses. Our Advanced Nurse Practitioners , Community Nurse practitioners and Clinical Assessment Decision Making experienced nurses practice enhanced clinical assessment and person-centred clinical decision making. All district nursing teams are GP practice based, except for our Out of Hours District Nursing Team, based in St. John’s Hospital Livingston who provide our evening and weekend nursing care.
Hospital at Home which is a consultant led service where nurses deliver appropriate acute care to adults in their homes treating chronic long-term conditions as well as some acutely presenting conditions.
Vaccination Team which is a nurse led service delivering children and adult vaccinations in clinics held in GP surgeries as well as to people in their own homes, where appropriate.