NHS Lothian Careers Over 100 Careers: Just One Employer

Older People Mental Health (OPMH) Services

Inpatient services include acute assessment and treatment for functional and organic disorders for men and women. There are a small number of longer stay beds for those who cannot be cared for in alternative setting.

Our current service includes:

  • Harlaw– this is a functional admissions ward for men only. It has 15 beds and is located in the Royal Edinburgh Building
  • Eden – this is a functional admissions ward for women. It has 15 beds and is located in the Royal Edinburgh Building
  • Canaan – this is a dementia admissions ward for men. It has 15 beds and is located in the Royal Edinburgh Building
  • Fairmile – this is a dementia admissions ward for women. It has 15 beds and in located in the Royal Edinburgh Building
  • Pentland – this is a hospital based complex clinical care dementia ward. It has 15 beds and is located in the Royal Edinburgh Hospital

Community Services (Rapid Response Team):

  • Assessment and intervention at time of crisis
  • Assessment and treatment of complications of dementia
  • Assessment and treatment of people with moderate and severe functional disorders and age-related needs
  • Bed management of OPMH beds
  • Facilitate early discharge

Ways of working in modern Old Age Psychiatry services

Working together with Social Services, Medicine for the Elderly, Accident & Emergency, Primary Care and Voluntary Sector to ensure integrated assessment, treatment and care for people with mental health disorders who very often have social and physical co-morbidities.

To work with locality teams to identify and manage high-risk patients preventing admission to general hospitals and care homes.

Working in a person-centred, needs-led way, not using age as a sole criterion for allocation to services.

Working in a standardised, evidence-based, safe way that provides excellent patient and carer experience. Within OPMH we now have the support of a Band 7 Clinical Academic Nurse to support the development of evidence based care.

We work in a multi-disciplinary team, using the skills of nurses, doctors, psychologists, occupational therapists, voluntary sector, patients and carers, and social care staff to ensure each patient receives a personal coordinated care plan.


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